Practitioner Training

Creative Breathwork professional training will enable you to work as a Creative Breathwork therapist/practitioner.

Level  1, 2 & 3 Breathwork Mastery including at least one Mentorship is the minimum level to work independently one on one with paying Breathwork clients.

After graduating from level 3:

To progress on to train to become  a group Breathwork practitioner you must take on at least 5 one on one paying clients and lead them through 10 sessions each.

This is an important step in your training to become a good group space holder.

Level 4 Mastery qualification is required to hold space for groups .

The 4 levels can be completed over a 3 year period.

You must complete the levels satisfactorily to qualify as a CB facilitator.

The training is available both online and face to face. Online students will be required to attend at least 1 face to face retreat. *Overseas students can substitute level 3 underwater breathwork for 10 one on one online sessions with Redlyn Kym.

Creative Breathwork retreats are for those wanting to work with the breath to heal as well as for those who want to train as a professional Breathwork facilitator.

All of us who have experienced a modern birth and whose parents, through no fault of their own, were unconscious and traumatised, will be living with profound trauma and will not know who they really are.

Creative Breathwork Retreat


Learn Breathwork Online with Creative Breathwork Redlyn
Creative Breathwork Online trainings are for those who can not come to a face to face retreat but still want to work with the breath to heal as well as for those who want to train as a professional Breathwork facilitator.
*To qualify as a Creative Breathwork Practitioner you must satisfactorily complete:

Level 1 – Retreat or level 1 Online Course

Level 2 – Retreat or level 2 Online Course

Level 3 – 10 Online sessions with a qualified Creative Breathwork facilitator

Plus At least one Mentorship

This Online Level 1 Training Intake Opens April 2024.

It will include:

You will study and practice:

Included in the course will be:



Our brain as a newborn has an inbuilt intelligence that deals with trauma as soon as it happens, this trauma stays tucked away in our tissue until the time is right for it to come to the surface, this is usually in the teen years. Unfortunately our culture is not prepared to support the undoing of this trauma so it is either re-buried in the body, causing us to seek out activities to keep us numb, ie; addictions, or the person is thrown into a tumultuous existence of depression, anxiety and illness.
The conscious connected breath is the most powerful tool we have discovered to unblock deep ancestral trauma and rewrite your life blueprint.

Drawing on her 30 years of experience, Redlyn is a  gentle yet powerful guide to support you back to your authentic, innocent self before you were programmed by trauma. 

She discovered that most people seeking out her services were carrying unresolved stress and trauma in the body and this was the main cause of mental and physical illness.

Her clients were showing symptoms of disconnect from source and a deep unconscious mistrust of life.

The conscious breath is one of the most effective methods to free yourself from trauma and return to your  original state in which you were meant to live.

“Through the reclamation of the breath all trauma is curable and through the curing of trauma the potential for bliss and profound awakening is not only possible but guaranteed.”

Redlyn Kym Parker Breathwork Teacher & Practitioner

Structure of the Creative Breathwork Mastery Programme for Practitioners & Therapists

Structure of the Creative Breathwork Mastery Programme for Practitioners & Therapists

Who Is This Training For?

Have you tried everything to release the trauma and baggage that is weighing you down and stopping you from becoming the being you were born to be?