I came to be a breathwork therapist after years of my own therapeutic Journey with the breath where I witnessed and embodied my own transformation into a more present and emotionally centred person.
I have studied and participated in many different forms of Breathwork and am now a highly trained and skilled Breathwork therapist, Bodywork therapist, Crystal Dreaming therapist, a Tantra Breath group facilitator, Creative Artist, Mother, Entrepreneur and Adventurer.
After years of holding space for people to let go of and transform old patterns, belief systems and trauma, I have developed my own style of Breathwork Training from what I have witnessed as being the most powerful and effective way to heal.
Creative Breathwork is a modality that empowers one to remember that they are the creator of their own story and therefore their own experience. This is an incredible liberating and life changing realisation when it genuinely drops into one’s consciousness.
It is the beginning of deep self responsibility and deep joy in the creation of a purposeful life, where one is unlocking all the potential and magic gifted to us at birth.
I have always had a deep inquiring spirit, and a desire to know myself in the truest and most expansive way possible.
I come from a lineage of ‘Wild Women” who taught me to walk to the beat of my own drum, I regularly sat with my Grandmother whilst she would use her hands to soothe and sometimes heal people with terminal illnesses.
She had a thick grey plait that hung down to her thighs and I knew she was different. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to offer your love to another through touch.
This led me to study and participate in many different healing and creative modalities over a period of 30 years.
A transformative online course designed to introduce you to the powerful practice of Rebirthing breathwork.
A well held private container for you to come and feel supported to learn how to breathe in a conscious connected way for healing, expansion, clarity and deep connection to self.
This is a ten session private one on one journey to re-experience your first breath, your journey through childhood into adulthood.
This is a one on one mentorship program for if you are seeking a guide/ mentor to champion you towards the career, relationship, healing that you have been desiring but is eluding you because of ingrained beliefs, negative self image, limiting thoughts and unprocessed trauma.