Welcome to the homepage for the Breathwork Mentorship. We recommend bookmarking this page so that you can access it easily.

Mentorship Course Materials

Each of the 4 months will have special resources, and recordings from Redlyn which will be available from the start of each month. Each month is a mini-course which will focus on working with a different element.

There are guided meditations and guided breathwork session audios with Redlyn to support your practices throughout the mentorship programme and beyond. Mentorship students can listen to any of the guided audios throughout the programme in your browser or you can download them to listen on your preferred device.

Mentorship Zoom Meeting – Upcoming

The Zoom meeting link will be emailed to all mentorship students.

Dates for Mentorship Group Breathes

Dates for your group breathes will be listed here:

Important – Booking your 1:1 Mentorship Session

Redlyn has posted all available dates and times for the 1:1 mentorship sessions. Please book your session in the next few days on the Mentorship 1:1 booking page.

Important note! Each mentorship student can only book a single 1:1 session per month with Redlyn Kym.